




Tabletopkit Game between players at same location
Does the current version of TabletopKit support having two or more game players to be at the same physical location? In these cases, the players would not want to see a Facetime persona around the table but instead should be able to see the physical player. Any other remote players would be able to see the personas of those players since they are not at that location. There are a couple of issues in this scenario (shared position of the board, players' location around the table, etc.), but they should be solvable. Thank you!
Jun ’24
Generating HUD (Heads Up Display) within VisionOS on VisionPro
Is there a consistent way to generate a HUD (Heads Up Display) for a VIsionOS app? In either Shared Space or Full Space? If it is in Shared Space, I have not seen a way to do it, that does not involve creating a Window, with the HUD information in it. If so, would it be possible to move the window, as the user moves his head, so it is always viewable? If in Full Space mode, using Unity, I am sure you could create a HUD, but again I am not sure you could do it in using RealityKit. Thought folks?
Jan ’24
Creating physical tokens for ARKit tracking
I wish to create a set of physical tokens, each with a unique design so that each token can be tracked.  Think of printed squares with unique abstract images on each one.  An AR virtual object would be connected to each token, so if the user moves the token, the AR image moves. Think of a fancy chessboard.  What is a good method or tool to create the needed artwork?  Each design should be unique, but need not be human identifiable.  Similar projects for other devices use patterns of lines and dots, but other methods can be used.  The important thing is a design that ARKit has no issues identifying and tracking each token.  Does anyone have a suggestion?
Nov ’21
Mac Sandbox issues with opening embedded RTF files.
My Mac programs usually ship with some internal Rich Text files containing legal details.  I use the NSWorkspace openFile call to open the files within TextEdit. The code looks something like this:  guard let aPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: “Legal.rtf”, ofType: nil) else { return } NSWorkspace.shared.openFile(aPath, withApplication: nil) This has always worked, until recently when this code returns “The application can’t be opened. -50”.  Is that a Sandbox issue?  Accessing files within your bundle should be allowed. We do it for images and such. What do I have set wrong? Thank you!
Jan ’21
Debugging iOS on Apple Silicon Mac without Simulator
Since the new Mac running Apple Silicon and MacOS 11 will run native iOS & iOSPad apps, has this changed the use of the Simulator when creating iOS apps with Xcode? Will the Simulator been needed, or will it disappear? How will source level debugging (with break points and Instruments) change with the new hardware? I am sure that you can still debug on a tethered iPhone the same way, but the majority of our programming and debugging is done on the Simulator. Thanks!
Jun ’20